Wintry Sunday Morning

January 27, 2010

henry county, indiana

i have always found gravestones interesting.  what i really like about this photo are the shadows and various shades of gray. i like the composition too. i took this on a recent cold and blustery sunday morning trip to miller cemetery where my parents are buried. i wanted to see if dad’s information had been engraved yet. it had.

i sure do miss my parents.

“fly away through the midnight air
as we head across the sea,
and at last we will be free”

~  paul mccartney | bluebird



ps the sun has returned to the prairie! ~ welcome back, old friend.

Winter Garden

January 25, 2010

henry county, indiana

the seed catalogs have started to arrive!

iwas told in the library today that we have had nine consecutive without sunshine.

i knew it had been a long time.

while editing through my latest photos, i came across these shots i took of my garden through a very foggy window.

i’m starting to understand how the garden must feel this time of year.

this coming spring, i’m hoping to get an early start. i enjoy growing (and eating) early greens and i also want to be a successful carrot grower. i love the smell of freshly tilled earth; you can’t get more organic than that. i’ll spend my long winter nights pouring over gardening books, seed catalogs and dreaming of the day that i have my hands back in the soil……until then…..



Winter Thoughts

January 17, 2010

oakville, indiana

winter gives me a time to rest and reflect.

foggy and warm here on the prairie.  this weather seems a bit unusual to me for this time of year. the fog came in early saturday morning and hasn’t lifted yet. something else a bit unusual for me is that i’m not out there roaming around in the fog. does this mean i’m getting old? i hope not.

i did get out a few weeks ago during our first arctic blast. it was cloudy with glittery blowing snow that morning. i took some photos i liked of an old stone bridge. 

i’ve been reading no impact man’s book. i was such a fan of his blog! it’s a great read as far as ‘annualism’s’ go. there is also a doc that should be released to dvd soon. i can’t wait to see it!

i hope everyone is warm and happy and enjoying their winter.

